Tuesday 25 June 2024

Squish Hugs

I saw a similar design on the MFt blog so I thought why not replicate it but make it the same but different. My first attempt didn't go well as I coloured the plush animals as though they were real and that made the whole thing a bit dark and not at all what I was going for so I stamped them again and had another go, it was more difficult than I care to admit to make them pink and blue lol.

I can definitely see me using this design again maybe even with the other animals in the set too.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Big Birthday Number 7

So a return to the shaped cards, I think I had made so many eclipse I wanted a change and once I popped I couldn't stop lol. I have made so many shaped cards now it is insane.

I found this image on doctor digi and knew it would be perfect for this campervan loving guy, of course you can't buy just one image so a few more might have fallen into my basket lol.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Superboy Again

You would be forgiven for thinking this is the rest of the magnificent sevens boy cards but I decided to use the same design and layout for the little boys who are 4 and went with a different image and style for the three year olds. This little guy from Mo manning just seemed a little older than 3 and we all know how literal I am lol. 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Big Birthday Number 6

Another big birthday, another eclipse, I promise the next one will be something different lol. I went with a design I’ve made before but not as an eclipse. I also used one of the papertrey ink card stock colours called “honey nut” and it’s perfect for a masculine card. I think the number background stamp is also one of my most used too, I love the subtle interest it adds to the background.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Flowers 4 - limited supplies

The last of these cards and it feels like a goodbye but I can assure you it is not, it was too much fun to not do again.

Bit of an unusual colour for this one but I found a pack of card and wanted to use it up, I do like the end result though.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Flowers 3 - limited supplies

I think this might be my favourite colour one I made and I even had a person in mind when I coloured it, now of course I notice the sentiment is wonky but it’s too late I’ve already sent it.

I am already planning what to take on my next trip and I’m excited to see what else I can create with limited supplies, of course my limited supplies is larger than when I first started making cards way back in 2005 lol.

Monday 10 June 2024

Flowers number 2 - limited supplies

I had such a lot of fun with the pencils on this card, I had forgotten the sheer joy colouring brings me and how it quietens the mind too. I got into a bit of a routine on this trip, get up, go for a long walk, come back  and make a huge coffee and then sit and colour. Writing about it is making me miss it even more and I can’t wait to be doing it again. 

Friday 7 June 2024

Flowers - limited supplies

This is another of the limited supplies cards, last year I bought one of the Hero Arts kits exclusive to Joann Fabric and never used it so I decided to take it with me and see if that worked. I loved colouring such a big bold image with pencils, I might have made a few more too lol.

I do think this will be what I do every trip no matter how small the timescale, colouring with a coffee/tea was just an amazing way to start the day.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing…

I was looking through my old cards and came across a card that I knew the recipient loved so I thought why not make it again, I think I made the original about 12 years ago but I still had everything I needed to recreate, it helped that it was mostly digital lol.

Making this made me remember why I do this card making thing, the sheer joy of creating something from paper and card, knowing it will bring a smile to the recipient is an added bonus.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Frame it in

Another of the holiday cards, pencils this time and a design I’ve not tried before, definitely one I will try again though as I really like the frame idea. I found some very old stamped images and that is what I took away with me, I have already been on another trip since I made this and again I coloured older images, it felt good to show the images some love.