I don't know about everyone else but there are certain images that once I see them will forever be how I see an illustrator, I spotted this image about a year ago whilst bloghopping and I was hooked, I bought several and made lots of cards enjoying the colouring and the way the image comes alive but I resisted this set. I kept telling myself that there are no new babies due and that I wouldn't use it but I kept on looking at it. So on Wednesday I was asked for a naming day card and I thought yeah I can buy the set now lol. I bought them on Thursday and have already coloured three of this image, blue bear, pink bear and brown bear, the one with the dummy has been coloured in different skin tones and they are all waiting to be made into cards. Hubbie even asked why when I was enjoying colouring them so much hadn't I bought them before and I realised I didn't have an answer but next time I love one of these images I am just going to buy it and get colouring.
I need to get my camera fixed as the scanner bleaches everything, the card has pale blue paper but it looks white. Also I used pinker skin colours and several of them but it all looks one colour. Think I will try with my iphone before I take this to work tomorrow.

Papers: Funky fairies (no longer trading)
Lettering: Jasmine Cricut cart