Saturday 15 August 2020

Fairy Wishes

It might surprise you but this card was made before the magical unicorn ones and kind of inspired the design of those. I had forgotten to show it though so that’s why you are seeing it now. I would imagine you have seen lots using this layout and I can see more in the future too lol. I know I sound like a broken record but I have been struggling with making stuff for a while now, I have the time but not the inclination, however since the lockdown started my mojo has been in overdrive. It might be the fact that I’m chatting on my iPad in my craftroom so I start doing stuff at the same time. 

Anywho on to the card, it’s a simple design and one I might replicate for the other 4th birthday card I need. I have been trying to do that recently and it does work for me.

edited to add....nope I went a completely different way for that card lol.


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